Dissemination of Four MPR Pillars Packed Through Puppet Performances

TabloidNasional. The dissemination of the Four MPR Pillars through puppet shows was held at the Jepara Sub-District Office Yard, Jepara Regency, Central Java, on Monday night other than usual.

Puppet art that was held was a collaboration of wayang kulit and wayang orang. The two arts were held on one stage, one puppeteer, with the story of Sumpah Setyaki. The show also became an interesting unique spectacle.

The collaboration of wayang kulit and wayang orang is the idea of ​​members of the Republic of Indonesia MPR, DPD RI Group, Bambang Sadono. As a puppet fan, he wants to present something different in the Four Pillars of MPR Socialization in Jepara.

This performance is in collaboration with the Wredatama Republic of Indonesia (PWRI) Association of Jepara Regency. The event organizers from the MPR general secretary also presented a shadow puppet group from Rembang with puppeteer Ki Sigit Ariyanto on Bambang Sadono's advice.

Meanwhile, puppets are played by dance students of Semarang State University (UNES). They were coached by UNES dance lecturer, Restu Lanjari who was also the wife of Bambang Sadono.

The event was opened by Bambang Sadono, who represented the MPR leadership, marked by the surrender of the puppet figure (Setyaki) from him to the puppeteer. The event was witnessed by the Head of the MPR Public Relations Bureau, Siti Fauziah, who was also the organizing committee.

Head of the News, Inter-Institutional Relations and Information Services Section of the Public Relations Bureau, Muhamad Jaya, Chair of the PWRi Jepara, HM Suharno also watched the program.

In addition, the event was also witnessed by Forkompimda, Jepara District, Jepara Sub-District Chief, Muhammad Syafi'i, Forkompimda Jepara District, and community, religious and hundreds of local residents.

In his remarks, Bambang explained this form of collaboration between wayang kulit and wayang orang. According to him, the story pieces in wayang kulit are combined with puppets. The storyline becomes smooth and united.

In order to carry out this collaboration, the cast of puppet people practiced four days without mastermind and a few moments before the performance began, they trained with the puppeteer.

Wayang culture and the Oath Setyaki play

The man who once served as Chair of the MPR Study Board continued, the Four Pilar Socialization among the Central Javanese community is best done through means of wayang cultural art performances.

That is because puppets are popular art and the story is easy to digest. Bambang also suggested that the number of cultural arts performances in Central Java be added in the future.

He also explained that Styaki Oaths were deliberately chosen because the main characters were very much in line with the values ​​of the Four Pillars. According to Bambang's explanation, Setyaki is a very sincere warrior and is not affected by any cases.

Although small and black, Setyaki continued to struggle to defend his leader without being ruled. "Each is a symbol of someone who is sincere in fighting," Bambang said.

Meanwhile, Siti Fauziah in her report expressed her appreciation for Bambang Sadono's efforts in preserving traditional Javanese cultural arts, especially puppets. According to him, this collaboration shows Bambang Sadono's love for Javanese art.

A form of preservation of traditional cultural arts that is full of learning

The traditional art and culture media used by the MPR as one of the methods of socialization is also an effort to preserve it.

"If we are not careful, our ancestral arts can be extinct. Therefore it needs to be preserved, "said Siti.

He continued, the continuity of traditional cultural arts must be maintained because there are many guidelines. The Sumpah Setyaki play according to Siti also contains many valuable lesson values.

"I hope that what is conveyed in this evening can be lived out and implemented in everyday life," he said.

Jepara Regent, H Marzuki also expressed the same hope. In his remarks delivered by the Head of Jepara Subdistrict, Muhamad Syafi'i, he hoped the values ​​of the Four Pillars could actually penetrate the souls of the Jepara people in every aspect of life.

The appreciation of this event was also conveyed by the Jepara District Government. It also welcomed both the PWRI cooperation in Jepara Regency and the MPR General Secretariat in organizing the Four Pillars socialization.

According to Marzuki, basically the Four Nationality Pillars consist of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the Republic of Indonesia, and Unity in Diversity so that it needs to be understood by the public.

"It is very important to be understood and understood correctly by all Republic of Indonesia citizens, especially the Jepara community," said Muhammad Syafi'i who read the speech of the Jepara Regent.


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